Mel Ramos, Painter of Female Nudes and Comic Heroes, Dies at 83 Neil Genzlinger The New York Times October 31, 2018 Mel Ramos, whose many paintings featuring realistically depicted nude or underdressed women often left critics divided over whether they were clever Pop Art or something more akin to smut, died on Oct. 14 in Oakland, Calif. He was 83.

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May 31, 2012 — Crocker Art Museum: Artist Talk: Mel Ramos

Mel takes us on a tour of his Oakland studio as part of the exhibition “Mel Ramos: 50 Years of Superheroes, Nudes, and Other Pop Delights” at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, CA.

Watch the Video on Youtube

Jan. 20, 2009 — The New York Times: The Image is Erotic. But is it Art?

Walking out of a Mel Ramos exhibition the other day, my companion remarked on how benignly amusing his paintings now seemed. Back in the 1970s, when she was a younger, more fiery feminist, his works infuriated her.  

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No Connection At All? 

Galerie Ernst Hilger

June 18 – August 30, 2024

Vienna, Austria

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 15.38.22

Mel Ramos | Paintings


Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie

November 1 – December 29, 2023

Dusseldorf-Oberkassel, Germany

The Great American Nude


Louis K. Meisel Gallery

September 5 – October 7, 2023

New York, NY, USA

The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last: Mel Ramos the Gmurzynska selection

Galerie Gmurzynska

March 30 – May 26, 2023

Zurich, Switzerland

Le Salon du dessin contemporain 16th edition

Drawing Now Art Fair

March 23-26, 2023

Paris, France

50 Years of Hyperrealist Sculpture

Louis K. Meisel Gallery

22 November, 2019 – 8 January, 2023

Various locations in France, Belgium, Germany & Italy

Mel Ramos

First Kiss

Levy Galerie

November 1-25, 2022

Hamburg, Germany

Mel Ramos

First Kiss

Barlach Halle K

October 21–23, 2022

Hamburg, Germany


The Armory Show – Booth S9

Mel Ramos Superheroes 1962-65

Louis K. Meisel Gallery

September  9-11 2022

The Armory Fair, New York, NY, USA

Revisit! Prints, Multiples and Drawings

Welcome Back II

Galerie Haas & Gschwandtner

August 12 – October 1, 2022

Salzburg, Austria

Something Pop!

Galerie Ernst Hilger

June 30 – September 3, 2022

Vienna, Austria

American Masters

Galerie Gmurzynska

March 4 – May 28, 2022

Zurich, Switzerland


Hélene Hulak x Mel Ramos

Musee D’art Contemporain

September 15, 2021 – January 2, 2022

Lyon, France

The Quinn Family Collection:

Los Angeles Art Scene 1960s-90s

Bakersfield Museum of Art

September 2021 – January 2022

Bakersfield, CA, USA

Mel Ramos & Erró

Kunsthalle Messmer

August 28 – November 28, 2021

Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, Germany

Portrait & Landscape

Galerie Ernst Hilger

April 2020

Vienna, Austria

Mel Ramos

Leta and the Swan

Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie

February 23 – April 4, 2020

Dusseldorf-Oberkassel, Germany

Men of Steel, Women of Wonder

Addison Gallery of American Art

October 5, 2019 – January 5, 2020

Andover, MA, USA

My Hero! Contemporary Art & Superhero Action

Carnegie Arts Center

September 14, 2019 – January 12, 2020

Turlock, CA, USA

Sacramento Superheroes

Archival Gallery

September 5-28, 2019

Sacramento, CA, USA

Summer 2019

IKON Ltd. Contemporary Art

Through July 2019

Santa Monica, CA, USA

Mel Ramos

Memorial Exhibition


March 7 – April 6, 2019

San Francisco, CA, USA

Men of Steel, Women of Wonder

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

February 2019

Bentonville, AR, USA

Mel Ramos

Female Heroes of 1963

Louis K. Meisel Gallery

October 11 – November 10, 2018

New York, NY, USA

Mel Ramos

The Famous Four & The Superheroes 1971 – 2018

Levy Galerie

September 11 – October 11, 2018

Hamburg, Germany

teh details

Mel Ramos

New Work and Recent Prints

Archival Gallery

May 4-31, 2018

Sacramento, CA, USA

Mel Ramos

Sirens & Heroes


November 2, 2017 – January 13, 2018

San Francisco, CA, USA

Hyper Real

National Gallery of Australia

October 20, 2017 – February 18, 2018

Kamberri/Canberra, Australia

New Limited Editions by Mel Ramos

Archival Gallery

May 5-31, 2017

Sacramento, CA, USA

The Very Best of Mel Ramos

Burkhard Eikelmann Gallery

March 26 – April 11, 2017

Dusseldorf-Oberkassel, Germany

Mel Ramos, John Waguespack, and Gabriel Navar: The Power of Pop!

Gregorio Escalante Gallery

February 18 – March 26, 2017

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Super Hero

National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

September 27 – October 14, 2016

Kyiv, Ukraine

Mel Ramos

Galerie Gmurzynska

September 17 – November 30, 2016

Zurich, Switzerland

Mel Ramos

Superman im Supermarkt

Levy Galerie

September 15 – October 30, 2015

Hamburg, Germany

Californian Artists

Galerie B. Haasner

October 25 – December 7, 2013

Wiesbaden, Germany

The International Exposition of Contemporary & Modern Art

Galerie Ernst Hilger @ EXPO CHGO

September 19 – 22, 2013

Chicago, IL, USA

Mel Ramos

Arbeiten auf Papier und Editionen

Galerie Ernst Hilger

August 28 – October 12, 2013

Vienna, Austria

Mel & Leta Ramos

Mostra d’Art

Convent De Sant Salvador

August 9-30, 2013

Tarragona, Spain


2024 (June 18 – Aug. 30) — No Connection At All? Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2023 (Jan. 4 – Feb. 12) — FIGURATIVE MASTERS OF THE AMERICAS Heather James Fine Art Gallery: Palm Beach, FL, USA

2023 (Nov. 1 – Dec. 29) — Mel Ramos | Paintings Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie: Dusseldorf-Oberkassel, Germany

2023 (Sep. 5 – Oct. 7) — The Great American Nude, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2023 (Aug. 13 – Sep. 9) — Mel Ramos – The Lola Cola Show, Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie: Dusseldorf-Oberkassel, Germany

2023 (Mar. 30 – May 26) — The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last: Mel Ramos the Gmurzynska selection, Galerie Gmurzynska: Zurich, Switzerland

2023 (Mar. 23-26) — Le Salon du dessin contemporain 16th edition, Drawing Now Art Fair: Paris, France; Lyon, France; Brussels, Belgium; Hagen, Germany; Milan, Italy

2022 (Nov. 1 – 25) – Mel Ramos First Kiss, Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2022 (Oct. 21 – 23) – Mel Ramos First Kiss Barlach Halle K: Hamburg, Germany

2022 (Sep. 9 – 11) – The Armory Show – Booth S9, Mel Ramos: Superheroes 1962-65, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2022 (Aug. 12 – Oct. 1) – Revisit! Prints, Multiples and Drawings Welcome back II Galerie Haas & Gschwandtner: Salzburg, Austria

2022 (June 30 – Sep. 3) – Something Pop!, Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2022 (Mar. 4 – May 28) – American Masters, Galerie Gmurzynska: Zurich, Switzerland

2021 – 2022 (Sep. 15 2021 – Jan. 2 2022) – Crossover Hélene Hulak x Mel Ramos, Musee D’art Contemporain: Lyon, France

2021 – 2022 (Sep. 2021 – Jan. 2022) – The Quinn Family Collection: Los Angeles Art Scene 1960s-90s, Bakersfield Museum of Art: Bakersfield, CA, USA

2021 (Aug. 28 – Nov. 28) – Mel Ramos & Erró, Kunsthalle Messmer: Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, Germany

2020 (Apr.) – Portrait & Landscape, Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2020 (Feb. 23 – Apr. 4)– Mel Ramos: Leta and the Swan, Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie: Dusseldorf-Oberkassel, Germany

2020 – Pop Art: England • USA, Kunstverein Apolda Avantgarde: Apolda, Germany

2019 – 2023 (Nov. 22 2019 – Jan. 8 2023) — 50 Years of Hyperrealist Sculpture, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: Paris, France

2019, Sep. 5 – 28 — Sacramento Superheroes, Archival Gallery: Sacramento, CA, USA

2019, July — Summer 2019, IKON Ltd. Contemporary Art: Santa Monica, CA, USA

2019, Mar. 7 – Apr. 6 — Mel Ramos: Memorial Exhibition, Modernism, Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2019, Feb. — Men of Steel, Women of Wonder, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art: Bentonville, AR, USA

2019 — Terminus: Munich, Germany

2019 — Bermondsey Project Space, in association with Galerie Ernst Hilger: London, UK

2018, Oct. 11 – Nov. 10 — Mel Ramos: Female Heroes of 1963, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2018, Sep. 11 – Oct. 11 — Mel Ramos: The Famous Four & The Superheroes 1971 – 2018, Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2018, May 4 – 31 — Mel Ramos: New Work and Recent Prints, Archival Gallery: Sacramento, CA, USA

2018 — Kunsthaus Hanover: Hanover, Germany

2017, Apr. 9 – May 9 — Mel Ramos Guy, Pieters Gallery: Knokke-Heist, Belgium

2017, May 5 – 31 — New Limited Editions by Mel Ramos, Archival Gallery: Sacramento, CA, USA

2017, Mar. 26 – Apr. 11 — The very best of Mel Ramos, Burkhard Eikelmann Gallery: Dusseldorf-Oberkassel, Germany

2017, Feb. 18 – Mar. 26 — Mel Ramos, John Waguespack, and Gabriel Navar: The Power of Pop!, Gregorio Escalante Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA

2017 — Modernism, Inc.: San Fransisco, USA

2016, Sep 27 – Oct 14 — Super Hero: Mel Ramos, Victor Sydorenko, Valentin Popov, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine: Kyiv, Ukraine

2016, Sep. 17 – Nov. 30 — Mel Ramos, Galerie Gmurzynska: Zurich, Switzerland

2016 — Bernaducci-Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2016 — Musée d‘art contemporaine de Lyon: Lyon, France

2016 — Sünde und Erkenntnis. Die Frucht in der Kunst, Altana Kulturstiftung, Museum Sinclair-Haus: Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany

2015, Sep. 15 – Oct. 30 — Mel Ramos Superman im Supermarkt, Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2015 — Ludwig Museum: Koblenz, Germany

2015 — Burkhard Eikelmann: Dusseldorf, Germany

2015 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2015 — REÖK Museum: Szeged, Hungary

2015 — Kunsthaus Hanover: Hanover, Germany

2015 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2015 — Arts & Foods: Rituals since 1851, Fondazione La Triennale di Milano, Expo: Milan, Italy

2015, July 4 – Sep. 4 — Mel Ramos: Peek-a-Boo, Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2014 — Galerie Patrice Trigano: Paris, France

2014 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2014 — Everybody needs a Superhero, Scott Richards Contemporary Art: San Francisco, CA, USA

2014 — Pop Art Prints, Smithsonian American Art Museum: Washington D.C., USA

2014 — Small is beautiful, Parkett Editions: Zurich, Switzerland

2014 — It‘s Pop Art ?, LEVY Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2013, Oct. 25 – Dec. 7 — Californian Artists Galerie B. Haasner: Wiesbaden, Germany

2013, Sep. 19 – 22 — The International Exposition of Contemporary & Modern Art Galerie Ernst Hilger  @ EXPO CHGO: Chicago, IL, USA

2013, Aug. 28 – Oct. 12 — Mel Ramos Arbeiten auf Papier und Editionen Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2013, Aug. 9 – 30 — Mel & Leta Ramos Mostra d’Art Convent De Sant Salvador: Horta de Sant Juan, Spain

2013, Mar. – Apr. — MEL RAMOS & GABRIEL NAVAR – Teachers & Students Galerie B. Haasner: Wiesbaden, Germany

2013 — Die Schöne und das Biest. Mel Ramos und Richard Müller, Special Guest Wolfgang Joop, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig: Leipzig, Germany

2013 — Kaboom! Comic in der Kunst, Weserburg / Museum für moderne Kunst: Bremen, Germany

2013 — Masterpiece, Gallery Sho Contemporary Art: Tokyo, Japan

2013 — Kiki Smith, Mel Ramos: Selected Tapestries, Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2012, June 2 – Oct 21 — Mel Ramos 50 Years of Superheroes, Nudes, and Other Pop Delights Crocker Art Museum: Sacramento, CA, USA

2012 — Galerie Fluegel-Roncak, Nuremberg, Germany

2012 — Bernaducci Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2012 — Galerie Piber Modern, Köflach, Austria Galerie Schmalfuss: Berlin, Germany

2012 — Woodward Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2012 — Kunstkabinett Regensburg: Regensburg, Germany

2012 — Screw You, Susan Inglett: New York, NY, USA

2012 — Strangers – Between Art Informel and Pop Art: Works from the GAM Collection, Galleria Civica d‘Arte Moderna e Contemporanea: Turin, Italy

2011 — Albertina Museum: Vienna, Austria

2011 — Europäisches Zentrum für Kunst und Industriekultur: Völklingen/Saarbrücken, Germany 

2011 — Galeriá Senda: Barcelona, Spain

2011 — Galerie Erhard Witzel: Wiesbaden, Germany

2011 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria 

2011 — Kunstkabinett Regensburg: Regensburg, Germany

2011 — Kunsthaus Hanover: Hanover, Germany

2011 — Museum Tinguely: Basel, Switzerland

2011 — Galerie Gmurzynska: Zurich, Switzerland

2011 — Charles M. Schulz Museum: Santa Rosa, CA, USA

2011 — The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Los Angeles, CA, USA

2010, Aug. 30 – Oct. 15 — Mel Ramos Drawings, Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2010 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2010 — Kunsthalle: Tübingen, Germany

2010 — Museum Villa Stuck: Munich, Germany

2010 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2010 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2010 — Bildtexte-Textbilder and Summerspecial, Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria 

2010 — Woodward Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2010 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2010 — Kunstkabinett Regensburg: Regensburg, Germany

2010 — Scott Richards Contemporary Art: San Francisco, CA, USA 

2010 — Poligono Gallery: Marbella, Spain

2010 — Villa-Haiss Museum, Zell am Harmersbach, Germany Galerie Bruno Bischofberger: Zurich, Switzerland

2009 — Fabrik Contemporary Art: Hongkong, China

2009 — Galerie Rive Gauche: Paris, France

2009 — Long Island, New York, NY, USA

2009 — Figure 8, Small Paintings and 40 Years of Photorealism: Bernaducci-Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2009 — Clay Center: Charleston, CA, USA

2009 — Charles Cowles Gallery: New York, NY, USA 

2009 — Memphis Brooks Museum of Art: Memphis, TN, USA

2009 — Palacio Almudí Museum: Murcia, Spain

2009 — National Museum Krakow: Krakow, Poland

2009 — Haunch of Vension: New York, NY, USA

2009 — Paul Kasmin Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2009 — Fabrik Contemporary Art: Hong Kong, China

2008 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2008 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2008 — Kunstkabinett: Regensburg, Germany

2008 — Burkhard Eikelmann: Dusseldorf, Germany

2008 — Paul Thiebaud Gallery: San Francisco, CA, USA

2008 — Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University: New Brunswick, NJ, USA

2008 — Crocker Art Museum: Sacramento, CA, USA

2008 — Hong Kong Arts Center: Wanchai, China

2008 — Museum of Contemporary Art: Los Angeles, CA, USA

2008 — Sign/Age, Armand Bartos Fine Art: New York, NY, USA

2008 — Pop and Op, Nassau County Museum of Art: Roslyn Harbor, NY, USA

2008 — Painted Faces-Post Modern Portraits, Bernarducci-Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2007, Nov. — Mel Ramos Retrospektive 1961-2007 Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2007 — Robert Sandelson Gallery: London, UK

2007 — Stadtgalerie: Klagenfurt, Germany

2007 — Woodward Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2007 — Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie, Dusseldorf, Germany 

2007 — Kunsthalle: Lingen, Germany

2007 — Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum: St. Louis, MO, USA 

2007 — National Portrait Gallery, London, UK

2007 — Scuderie del Quirinale: Rome, Italy

2007 — Kunsthalle Wien: Vienna, Austria

2007 — Museum Villa Stuck: Munich, Germany

2007 — Gagosian Gallery: London, UK

2007 — Madison Museum of Contemporary Art: Madison, WI, USA 

2007 — Haug-Erkinger-Festsaal: Rechberghausen, Germany

2006 — Walter Bischoff Galerie: Berlin, Germany

2006 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2006 — Claustro de Exposiciones: Cádiz, Spain

2006 — Foxx Galerie: Zurich, Switzerland

2006 — Stadtgalerie: Klagenfurt, Germany

2006 — Woodward Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2006 — Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie: Dusseldorf, Germany

2006 — Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kultur Stiftung: Munich, Germany

2006 — Museo d‘Arte Contemporanea Donna Regina: Naples, Italy

2006 — An American Gallery: Santa Barbara, CA, USA

2006 — Wonder Women: Idols of Contemporary Art, Katonah Museum of Art: New York, NY, USA

2006, July 15 – Aug 30. — Tapestries Sullivan Goss – An American Gallery: Santa Barbara, CA, USA

2005 — James F. Byrnes Institut: Stuttgart, Germany

2005 — Galerie Geiger: Konstanz, Germany

2005 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2005 — Centro Cultural de la Villa: Madrid, Spain

2005 — Tower Framing and Design Gallery: Sacramento, CA, USA 

2005 — Kantor Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA

2005 — Jay Jay Gallery: Sacramento, CA, USA

2005 — Galerie B. Haasner: Wiesbaden, Germany

2005 — Girls on Film, Zwirner and Wirth: New York, NY, USA

2004 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA, New York, NY, USA

2004 — Robert Sandelson Gallery: London, UK

2004 — Museo Juan Cabré: Calaceite, Spain

2004 — San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: San Francisco, CA, USA 

2004 — Staatsgalerie: Stuttgart, Germany

2004 — Galeria 2000 GbR: Nuremberg, Germany

2004 — LEVY Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2004 — Tres Gustos, Museo Juan Cabré: Calaceite, Spain

2003 — Kulturforum der Stadt: Schwerin, Germany

2003 — Galerie Terminus: Munich, Germany

2003 — Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie: Dusseldorf, Germany

2003 — Palm Springs Desert Museum: Palm Springs, CA, USA

2003 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2003 — Bernaducci-Meisel: New York, NY, USA

2003 — Galerie Patrice Trigano: Paris, France

2003 — County Hall Gallery: London, UK

2003 — Super You, Daniel Silverstein Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2003 — Splat, Boom, Pow: The Influence of Comics in Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art: Houston, TX, USA

2002, Nov. 7 – Dec. 21 — Mel Ramos: New Paintings & Works on Paper, Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

2002 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2002 — Galleria d’Arte Maggiore: Bologna, Italy

2002 — Galerie Patrice Trigano: Paris, France

2002 — Palazzo dei Sette: Comune di Orvieto, Italy

2002 — Kulturzentrum Infeld, Dobrinj/Krk, Croatia Palazzo delle Papesse: Sienna, Italy

2002 — Neues Museum, Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design: Nuremberg, Germany

2002 — Crocker Art Museum: Sacramento, CA, USA

2002 — REAL(ist) Men, Selby Gallery, Ringling School of Art and Design: Sarasota, FL, USA

2002 — Pop Art: Mel Ramos – Allen Jones, Kunsthalle Villa Kobe: Halle/Saale, Germany

2002 — Marilyn Mythos, Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2001 — Galería Alvarez: Porto, Portugal

2001 — Espace Ernst Hilger: Paris, France

2001 — Galleria d‘Arte Maggiore: Bologna, Italy

2001 — Palazzo dei Sette: Comune di Orvieto, Italy

2001 — Natsoulas Gallery: Davis, CA, USA

2001 — LEVY Galerie: Madrid, Spain

2001 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

2001 — We Set Off in High Spirits, Matthew Marks Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2001 — Pop Art: The John and Kimiko Powers Collection, Gagosian Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2001 — Alpen-Adria Galerie: Klagenfurt, Germany

2001 — Centre Pompidou: Paris, France

2001 — Ursula Blickle Stiftung: Kraichtal, Germany

2001 — Neues Museum Weserburg: Bremen, Germany

2001 — Galerie Burkhard Eikelmann: Dusseldorf, Germany

2001 — Kunst Meran: Meran, Italy

2001 — Galerie Pro Arte: Freiburg, Germany

2001 — Westwendischer Kunstverein e.V.: Halle, Germany

2001 — Figure it Out, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2001 — Pop Art: US/UK Connections, 1956-1966, Menil Foundation: Houston, TX, USA

2001 — Collectors Series Exhibition, Center for the Arts: Vero Beach, FL, USA

2001 — Serendipity, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

2000, April — Mel Ramos Neue Arbeiten Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

2000 — Art Gallery Wiesbaden: Wiesbaden, Germany

2000 — Kunstforum Fränkisches Seenland: Gunzenhausen, Germany

2000 — Galerie Vonderbank: Frankfurt, Germany

2000 — Galerie Burkhard Eikelmann, EXPO 2000: Cologne, Germany

2000 — Kunsthaus: Cologne, Germany

2000 — Galerie Terminus: Munich, Germany

2000 — 10 Pop Artists on Paper, Clough-Hanson Gallery, Rhodes College: Memphis, TN, USA

2000 — South Texas Institute for the Arts: Corpus Christi, TX, USA

2000 — Projectbureau Rotterdam Euro 2000: Rotterdam, Netherlands

2000 — Tom Wesselmann Galerie: Punto, Valencia, Spain

2000 — The Contemporary Museum: Honolulu, HI, USA

2000 — Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbour Cultural Center: Staten Island, NY, USA

2000 — Clough-Hanson Gallery, Rhodes College: Memphis, TN, USA

2000 — Centro Cultural de Murcia: Murcia, Spain

2000 — Kapfenberg Kulturstadt: Styria, Austria

2000 — Städtisches Museum: Leverkusen, Germany

2000 — Whitechapel Art Gallery: London, UK

2000 — LEVY Galerie Hamburg, Germany

2000 — Mannheimer Kunstverein: Mannheim, Germany

1999, April — Pop Art Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany
1999 — Museum Moderner Kunst-Stiftung Wörlen: Passau, Germany

1999 — Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven: Germany

1999 — Domestica, San Giovani: Valderno, Italy

1999 — Louis Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1999 — Galerie Burkhard Eikelmann: Essen, Germany

1999 — Galleria Civica di Modena: Italy

1999 — Kunsthaus Hanover: Germany

1999 — Galerie B. Haasner: Wiesbaden, Germany

1999 — 7 Women 7 Years Later, Andrea Rosen Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1999 — Pop Art, Vered Gallery: East Hampton, NY, USA

1999 — Contemporary American Masters: The 1960s, Nassau County Museum of Art: Roslyn Harbor, NY, USA

1999 — Museum of Modern Art: New York, NY, USA

1999 — Arken Museum of Modern Art, Ishoj: Copenhagen, Denmark

1999 — New York State Museum: Albany, NY, USA

1999 — Traveling Exhibition: CA Classics, Isetan Museum of Art: Tokyo, Japan 

1999 — Traveling Exhibition: CA Classics, Fukui City Art Museum: Fukui, Japan 

1999 — Traveling Exhibition: CA Classics, The Museum of Modern Art: Wakayama, Japan

1999 — Traveling Exhibition: CA Classics, Togichigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts: Utsunomiya, Japan

1999 — Traveling Exhibition: CA Classics, Vered Gallery, East Hampton: Long Island, NY, USA

1998 — Galerie Eikelmann & Auktionshaus Karbstein: Dusseldorf, Germany

1998 — Galeria Nova: Bad Homburg, Germany

1997 — LEVY Galerie: Madrid, Spain

1997 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

1997 — Kantor Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA

1997 — Feminine Image, Nassau County Museum of Art: Roslyn Harbor, NY, USA

1996 — Galerie Ernst Hilger: Vienna, Austria

1996 — Galerie Burkhard H. Eikelmann: Essen, Germany

1996 — Galerie Ulrich Gering: Frankfurt, Germany

1996 — Mel Ramos The Lost Paintings of 1965, Modernism: San Francisco, CA, USA

1996 — Paper Work, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1996 — Attention to Detail (Realism in All Forms), Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1996, May — Mel Ramos Neue Arbeiten Levy Galerie: Hamburg, Germany

1995 — Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst: Vienna, Austria

1995 — Kunsthalle zu Kiel: Germany

1995 — Kunstverein Mannheim: Germany

1995 — Duck, Edward Thorp Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1994 — Kunstverein Lingen: Germany

1994 — The Face of America: Contemporary Portraits in Watercolor, The Arts Guild of Old Forge: Old Forge, NY, USA

1993 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA,

1993 — I Am The Enunciator, Thread Waxing Space: New York, NY, USA

1993 — Slittamenti, Venice Biennale: Venice, Italy

1993 — Drawing On The Figure, Edna Carlsten Gallery, University Of Wisconsin: Stevens Point, WI, USA

1992 — Galerie B. Haasner: Wiesbaden, Germany

1992 — ARTAX: Dusseldorf, Germany

1992 — Galerie Eikelmann: Essen, Germany

1992 — Galerie Maximilian Krips: Cologne, Germany

1992 — Photorealism From Nashville Collections, Cheekwood Fine Arts Center: Nashville, TN, USA

1991 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1991 — Schaufenstergalerie: Frankfurt am Main, Germany

1991 — Love, Sex and Romance, Vered Gallery: East Hampton, NY, USA

1991 — Reprise, Phyllis Rothman Gallery, Farleigh Dickinson University: Madison, NJ, USA

1991 — 7 Women, Andrea Rosen Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1990 — Pop on Paper, James Goodman Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1990 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1990 — Six, Phyllis Rothman Gallery, Fairleigh Dickinson University: Madison, NJ, USA

1990 — Oakland‘s Artists ‘90, The Oakland Museum: Oakland, CA, USA

1990 — The Figure – Selections from the Arkansas Arts Center Foundation Collection, The Arkansas Arts Center: Little Rock, AR, USA

1990 — Amerikansk Fotorealism, Art Now Gallery: Göteborg, Sweden

1990 — CA A To Z And Return, The Butler Institute of American Art: Youngstown, OH, USA 

1990 — Regarding Art: Artworks About Art, John Michael Kohler Arts Center: Sheboygan, WI, USA

1989 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1989 — Private Collections/Personal Exchange: Bay Area Artists, 1950 – 1966, Transamerica Corp.: San Francisco, CA, USA

1989 —41st Annual Academy-Institute Purchase Exhibition, American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters: New York, NY, USA

1989 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1988 — James Corcoran Gallery: Santa Monica, CA, USA

1988 — Kunsthandlung Brigitte Haasner: Wiesbaden, Germany

1988 — 20th Anniversary (15 in SoHo) – Artists & Movements From Our First Two Decades, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1988 — Tropical Topics, Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art: Monterey, CA, USA

1988 — Selections From The Ellen and Jerome Westheimer Collection, Oklahoma Art Center: Oklahoma City, OK, USA

1988 — Art at the Armory: New York, NY, USA

1987 — Studio Tresorio: Naples, Italy

1987 — Ten At The Rose, The Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University: Waltham, MA, USA

1987 — Made in U.S.A.: An Americanization in Modern Art-the 50‘s & 60‘s, The University Art Museum: Berkeley, CA, USA

1987 — Contemporary American Collage 1960-1986, Herter Art Gallery: Amherst, MA, USA

1987 — Fifty Watercolors: By Fifty Artists Spanning Fifty Years, A Gallery: Palm Desert, CA, USA

1987 — Pop Art America Europa dalla Collezione Ludwig, Forte di Belvedere: Florence, Italy

1987 — His & Hers: Couples in Art, Works: San Jose, CA, USA

1986 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

1986 — Hokin-Kaufman Gallery: Chicago, IL, USA

1986 — Galerie Tanja Grunert: Cologne, Germany

1986 — The De Soto Workshop, Civic Arts Gallery: Walnut Creek, CA, USA

1986 — Signs of the Times, Michigan Traveling Exhibition Sponsored by Art Train: Detroit, MI, USA

1986 — Portfolios: Artists‘ Series from the Collection of the University of Maryland, The Art Gallery of the University of Maryland: College Park, MD, USA

1985 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1985 — S.M.S. Portfolios, The New Museum of Contemporary Art: New York, NY, USA

1985 — Art in the San Francisco Bay Area 1945-1980, The Oakland Museum: Oakland, CA, USA

1985 — Traveling Exhibition: Pop Art 1955-70Art Gallery of New South Wales: Sydney, NSW, Australia 

1985 — Traveling Exhibition: Pop Art 1955-70, Queensland Art Gallery: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

1985 — Traveling Exhibition: Pop Art 1955-70, National Gallery of Victoria: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

1984 — Figurative Options: Jack Ogden, Mel Ramos, Wayne Thiebaud, Robert Else Gallery, CA State University: Sacramento, CA, USA

1984 — Twenty-Century American Drawings: The Figure in Context, International Exhibitions Foundation: Washington, DC, USA

1984 — San Francisco Bay Area Painting, Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery: Lincoln, NE, USA

1983 — Contemporary Images, Watercolor: 1983, Priebe Gallery, University of Wisconsin: Oshkosh, WI, USA

1983 — American Super Realism from the Morton G. Neumann Family Collection, Terra Museum of American Art: Evanston, IL, USA

1983 — Modern Nude Paintings: 1880-1980, National Museum of Art: Osaka, Japan 

1983 — Perspectives of Landscape, Fuller-Goldeen Gallery: San Francisco, CA, USA

1983 — The Comic Art Show, The Whitney Museum of American Art Downtown Branch: New York, NY, USA

1983 — 10th Anniversary Show, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1983 — Jim Morgan Memorial Exhibition, Kansas City Art Institute: Kansas City, MO, USA

1983 — Directions in Bay Area Painting, Richard Nelson Gallery: Davis, CA, USA

1982 — Route 66 Gallery: Philadelphia, PA, USA

1982 — Malinda Wyatt Gallery: Venice, Italy

1982 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery, NY, USA in Brussels, Galerie Isy Brachot: Brussels, Belgium

1981, April 4 – 25 — Mel Ramos, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1981 — Modernism Inc.: San Francisco, CA, USA

1981 — Sheehan Gallery, Whitman College: Walla Walla, WA, USA

1981 — Changes 1881-1981, Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University: Milwaukee, WI, USA

1981 — Selected 20th Century American Nudes, Harold Reed Gallery, University of North Carolina: NC, USA

1980 — Morgan Gallery: Kansas City, MO, USA

1980 — Rose Art Museum: Waltham, MA, USA

1980 — Franz Wynans Gallery: Vancouver, Canada

1980 — Indianapolis Museum: Indianapolis, IN, USA

1980 — Watercolors: 1980, Frumpkin and Struve Gallery: Chicago, IL, USA

1980 — American Figure Painting 1950-1980, The Chrysler Museum: Norfolk, VA, USA

1979 — Galeria Cadaqués: Cadaqués, Spain
1979 — University Gallery, CA State University: Chico, CA, USA
1979 — C.W. Post College Art Gallery: Glen Cove, NY, USA
1979 — Degrees of Realism, Gallery One, San Jose State University: San Jose, CA, USA
1979 — Selections from the Frederick Weisman Collection of CA Art, Corcoran Gallery of Art: Washington D.C., USA
1978 — Church Fine Arts Gallery: Reno, NV, USA
1978 — Galeria Plura: Milan, Italy
1978 — Selections from the Frederick Weisman Company Collection of CA Art
1978 — Aspekte der 60er Jahre, Nationalgalerie: Berlin, Germany
1978 — Photo-Realist Paintings from New York City Galleries, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art: Saint Francis College, Loretto, PA, USA
1978 — Traveling Exhibition, Art About Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art: New York, NY, USA

1978 — Traveling Exhibition, Art About Art, North Carolina Museum of Art: Raleigh, NY, USA

1978 — Traveling Exhibition, Art About Art, The Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery, University of CA: Los Angeles, CA, USA

1978 — Traveling Exhibition, Art About Art, Portland Art Museum: Portland, OR, USA
1978 — Arts & Crafts Center of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
1978 — A Century of Master Drawings, Creighton University: Omaha, NE, USA
1978 — Graphics Studio U.S.A.: An Experiment in Art Education, The Brooklyn Museum: NY, USA
1978 — 20th Century American Nudes, Harold Reed Gallery: New York, NY, USA
1977 — Morgan Gallery: Kansas City, MO, USA
1977 — Oakland Museum: Oakland, CA, USA
1977 — Private Images: Photographs by Painters, Los Angeles County Museum of Art: Los Angeles, CA, USA
1977 — Nothing But Nudes, The Whitney Museum of American Art: New York, NY, USA
1977 — CA Bay Area Art – Update, Huntsville Museum of Art: AL, USA
1976 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA
1976 — David Stuart Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
1976 — Three Hundred Years of American Art in The Chrysler Museum at Norfolk: Norfolk, VA, USA
1976 — Painting and Sculpture in CA: The Modern Era, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: CA, USA
1975 — Museum Haus Lange: Krefeld, Germany
1975 — University of North Carolina, Weatherspoon Gallery: Greensboro, NC, USA
1975 — The Great American Nude, The New York Cultural Center: New York, NY, USA
1975 — Kaiser Wilhelm Museum: Krefeld, Germany
1975 — University of North Dakota Art Gallery: Grand Forks, ND, USA
1975 — Watercolors and Drawings – American Realists, Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA
1975 — University of North Dakota Art Gallery: Grand Forks, ND, USA
1974 — David Stuart Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA
1974 — Louis K. Meisel Gallery: New York, NY, USA
1974 — Contemporary Portraits by American Painters, Lowe Art Museum: Miami, FL, USA
1974 — Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture, Krannert Art Museum: Champaign, IL, USA 

1974 — Pop Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art: New York, NY, USA
1974 — Some Realists, Hawthorn Gallery, Skidmore College: Saratoga Springs, NY, USA
1974 — Aspects of Realism, Gallery Moos: Toronto, Canada
1974 — New Realism Revisited, State University College at Potsdam: NY, USA
1974 — Living American Artists and the Figure, Pennsylvania State University Museum of Art: University Park, PA, USA
1973 — Dickinson College: Carlisle, PA, USA
1973 — Pacific Lutheran University: Tacoma, WA, USA
1973 — Madison Art Center: Madison, WI, USA
1973 — Manolides Gallery: Seattle, WA, USA
1973 — The Super Realist Vision, DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum: Lincoln, MA, USA
1972 — Utah Museum of Fine Arts: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
1972 — Galerie Bruno Bischofberger: Zurich, Switzerland
1972 — Querschnitt, Galerie Ricke: Cologne, Germany
1971 — Graphics Gallery: San Francisco, CA, USA
1971 — Galerie Bruno Bischofsberger: Zurich, Switzerland
1971 — French & Co.: New York, NY, USA
1971 — Galerie Richard Fonchke: Ghent, Belgium
1971 — Group Show, French & Company: New York, NY, USA
1971 — Made in CA, UCLA Art Museum: Los Angeles, CA, USA
1971 — Die Puppe – Aspekte zum Bild der Frau, Haus am Waldsee: Berlin, Germany
1970 — Artists Contemporary Gallery: Sacramento, CA, USA
1970 — Looking West 1970, Joslyn Art Museum: Omaha, NE, USA
1970 — West Coast ‘70!, Crocker Art Gallery Biennial Invitational: Sacramento, CA, USA
1970 — Festival of Contemporary Art, Municipal Art Museum of Yokahama: Yokohama, Japan
1970 — Pop Prints, The Museum of Modern Art: New York, NY, USA
1970 — Seventeenth National Print Exhibition, The Brooklyn Museum: Brooklyn, NY, USA
1970 — Beyond the Actual, Pioneer Museum: Stockton, CA, USA

1969 — Gallery Reese Palley: San Francisco, CA, USA

1969 — David Stuart Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA

1969 — Gegenverkehr: Aachen, Germany

1969 — Pop Art Revisited, Heyward Gallery: London, UK

1969 — Spirit of the Comics, Institute of Contemporary Art: Philadelphia, PA, USA

1969 — Human Concern and Personal Torment, The Whitney Museum of American Art: New York, NY, USA

1968 — David Stuart Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA

1968 — Mills College Art Gallery: Oakland, CA, USA

1968 — West Coast ‘68, Crocker Art Gallery: Sacramento, CA, USA

1968 — Art 1968: Hang Ups and Put Downs, University of Wisconsin: Milwaukee, WI, USA

1968 — Forty Now CA Painters, Ringling Museum of Art: Tampa, FL, USA

1968 — West Coast Now: Portland Art Museum, OR, USA

1967 — Berkeley Gallery: San Francisco, CA, USA

1967 — Galerie Tobias-Silex: Cologne, Germany

1967 — San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: CA, USA

1967 — Pop Art, Galleria del Leone: Venice, Italy

1967 — Young Artists of the Sixties, The Collection of Mr. Charles Cowles, Stanford Museum: Stanford, CA, USA

1967 — Painters Behind the Painters, Palace of the Legion of Honor: San Francisco, CA, USA

1967 — Berkeley Gallery: San Francisco, CA, USA

1966 — Galerie Ricke: Kassel, Germany

1965, Nov. 2-23 — Mel Ramos, Bianchini Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1965 — Mel Ramos, David Stuart Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA

1965 — Master Drawings from Degas to Lichtenstein, Fort Worth Art Center: Fort Worth, TX, USA

1965 — Pop and the American Tradition, Milwaukee Art Center: Milwaukee, WI, USA

1965 — In Focus – A Look at Realism, Memorial Museum: Rochester, NY, USA

1965 — Pop Art from the U.S.A., Hamburger Kunstkabinett: Hamburg, Germany

1965 — Pop Art Nouveau Réalisme, Etc., Palais des Beaux-Arts: Brussels, Belgium

1965 — 1 Life, Klipstein und Kornfield: Bern, Switzerland

1965 — The Arena of Love, Dwan Gallery: Los Angeles, CA, USA

1965 — Neue Realisten und Pop Art, Akademie der Kunst: Berlin, Germany

1964 — Mel Ramos: The American Woman, Bianchini Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1964 — First International Girlie Exhibit, The Pace Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1964 — Norfolk Museum, VA, USA

1964 — Current Painting and Sculpture in the Bay Area, Stanford Museum: Stanford, CA, USA

1964 — El Bienal Americana de Arte: Cordoba, Argentina

1964 — U.S.A. Nouvelles Peintures, American Embassy, Paris, France 

1964 — American Six, Bianchini Gallery: New York, NY, USA

1963 — Mixed Media and Pop Art, Albright-Knox Art Gallery: Buffalo, NY, USA